A simple quiz about me made using vanila JavaScript.
July 2022
A simple quiz made using vanila JavaScript, that test the user's knowledge about Space and Astronomy.
July 2022
My personal Porfolio website that lists all my projects and blogs.
July 2022
Made using Vanilla JS,this app makes use of a translation API from funtranslations to convert any english text to banana language, which is the offlicial language of the Minions.
July 2022
Get familiar with the dark side with the Sith translator. This app is made using Vanilla JS and makes use of funtranslations API
July 2022
My first ever React App. Made using React JS, this app takes in an emoji as an input and tells exactly what emoji it is.
August 2022
Made using React JS, this app displays all the tourist spots in the selected state
July 2022
Made using Vanilla JS, this app takes in bill amount and cash amout and returns the change in minimum number of notes.
August 2022
Find out if your birthday is lucky or not with this fun app made using React JS. This app takes in your birthday and your lucky number and tells you if your birthday is lucky or not.
August 2022
If you like triangles, you should definitely checkout this app. It has 4 sections. A section that tells you whether your shape is a triangle or not, an quiz area, an area that gives you the hypotenuse of your triangle and an area calculator section.
August 2022
Made using Vanilla JS, this app takes in your birthday and tells you, if its palindrome or not. If not palindrome, it gives you the nearest palindrome date either in past or in future.
August 2022
Made using Vanilla JS, this app takes in your initial stock price, quantity and current stock price and tells you if you have made a profit or not.
August 2022